Silkybrows Lashes | Eyebrow 93612 | Clovis, CA


Whether you call it Cosmetic Tattooing, Dermapigmentaton, Microimplantation, Micropigmentation, Permanent Makeup, or Permanent Cosmetics, it is a way to get up feeling good about how you look and to make your life easier.

Who is not suitable for the procedure?

Microblading is not suitable for the following candidates:

• Using Accutane

• Have heart conditions or using heart medications

• Have diabetes (will require a physician's note)

• Have skin disease or irritations

• Have had Botox in the last 2 weeks

• Have gotten a deep tan or chemical peels in the last 2 weeks

• Allergic to lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine or epinephrine

• Anyone who has any serious medical conditions may require a physician's note.

• Pregnant or nursing clients.

• Under 18 years old.

How do you know how to shape them?

First of all, and very importantly, I am a makeup artist. I know how to shape eyebrows according to individual facial features which will be extremely flattering to your face.

Permanent Makeup Before Care

• You must be off Retin-A or Retinols 7 days prior to appointment and avoid or around the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.

• If you are on blood thinners we require a note from your Doctor allowing you to go off of them for 3 days prior to your procedure and the note must also have the Doctors approval for the procedure (Please make sure you stop taking these 3 full days prior to your appointment) • Please do not take aspirin, green tea, vitamin E, or any Herbs for 3 days prior to your procedure. If your doctor has you on aspirin every day we will need your Doctor’s approval in written form for you to stop taking the aspirin

• If you are under treatment for any form of cancer, you must wait until your treatment is complete. It is recommended to get permanent makeup before you start any cancer treatment

• No alcohol for 24 hours prior to your procedure.

Can I keep my own brow hair?

Once you and AMY have decided on the best brow shape, any hair within that shape can stay and will only make the work look more natural. Any hair outside the shape can be removed just as you would normally do with your normal brow maintenance.

Is the procedure painful?

We use topical anesthetics before and during the procedure to keep you comfortable. The sensation of pain will vary between clients. Once the topical anesthetic takes effect, many clients report that they feel no discomfort during the brow procedures.

Is Permanent Cosmetics expensive?

Not if you look at long-term cost and effect. Micropigmentation actually costs little compared to lifelong daily make-up expenses. Permanent make- up doesn’t run or wash off! Consider it a beautiful investment in yourself.

Keep in mind when you go bargain shopping for the lowest price you may end up paying much more, in the end, to try to correct unsatisfactory results. Your face is too important to chance to have such serious work done by a technician who does not have the experience, training, or artistic talent to achieve the best result.

How long does it take for permanent makeup to heal?

In the following days, the eyebrows will continue to be dark and you will notice slight scabbing. Do not pick at the scabs as this may damage the skin and the outcome of the microbladed area. The eyebrows will lighten up in color as it heals. No downtime is required after microblading procedure. It takes approximately 7-14 days for the brows to heal over, and about 4-6 weeks for the color to fully set in. You'll notice the color is very light right after the two weeks after healing; the skin will have an opaque milky looking quality to it. This is known as milk skin and is common in tattooing. This is due to the tissue still healing from the inside out even though the surface of the skin is healed. True color will reveal itself once healed.

Does the color lighten up during the healing process?

Yes, it does. During the healing/ointment week, you'll lose about 30-40% of the color. This occurs because the top layer of our skin exfoliates, and with that, the top layer of pigment sloughs off, too. As this happens, you'll notice the color soften and lighten.

A second color/"touch-up" application should be scheduled 4-8 weeks following your initial appointment so that we can replenish lost color.

How long does it last?

Since microblading pigments are not implanted into the skin as deep as traditional tattoos, the area will naturally fade over time. Microblading typically lasts 1-3 years, depending on skin type (normal, oily, dry), age (youthful/mature). Skincare routine will also affect the lasting effect of the pigment: patients who tan, uses products with AHA or Glycolic Acid with fade faster as your skin will resurface faster. Each individual's color retention within the skin will vary. To maintain the brows looking fresh, a touch-up is suggested every 12-18 months. Clients can let the microbladed area fade over time, but please note a slight shadow may remain.

How Long Does Each Procedure Take?

The initial procedure will generally take approximately two to three hours; there are records to establish; photographs to take; desired design and color to discuss; the procedure to perform, and the aftercare requirements to discuss. Follow-up or color refresher procedures usually do not require the same amount of time.